
Monday, March 23, 2015

Love Is Everything

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Love Is Everything. 
It is the single thing, that makes all other things occur. Love is why we are here on this earth. God loved us, so we are here, to experience, progress, evolve and grow. Two people, in a moment of love or lust, brought, you here, so you're able to read this article.
Love is what gets us up, every day; it gets us up and moving to work, to work out, to LIVE.
Whether, you are working to create your "love child" your very own work baby, that you are laboring over day in and day out; or if it is the physical child, you bore into this world and whom, you are doing your very best, to be sure, they are brought up, in the most ideal circumstances possible.

Love is Everything.

Love is the reason we eat well and exercise and Love is the reason we stick to ANYTHING we start.

This is what I have come to the conclusion of, most recently. I have also come to the conclusion that I have a character flaw and I'm going to lay it out here for you to read...

When times get hard, I want to quit and I begin to think of all the ways I can quit and all my safe "outs."

But the thing is I don't quit, I just let those, distracting thoughts, take space in my mind and distract my focus for some time. 
And maybe I don't quit because perhaps I don't have the guts to, but then again, maybe I have Too Much Guts To, to not see what I've started to the end.

I'm gunna go with the latter, only because it's a more empowering thought, to think I am too brave to quit. 

The thing is, I became frustrated this last week, with work (not school, or nutrition but my every day job, in the Solar industry) I got to thinking, gosh, this isn't even what I love, why am I doing this. I have a love of money, because money to me, means freedom and benevolence, but the thought of money alone is not what keeps me motivated and focused.

What, instead, does keep me motivated and focused, dispite "set backs" is what I will do with this money. 
How the money feeds into my Love, my family, community, my passion, & my "love children." 
My career "love children" and the ones I will create with my spouse ;D

And that's where my focus should always be, not on these mild bumps in the road, that sometimes make me so furious, I want to quit, but rather, taking the bumps for what they are: Learning, Growing, Stretching, Strengthening mild bumps and just keep focused.

The same can be said for a marriage-Anything we commit to, It's important to stick to.

Ofcourse there are always exceptions. But if we make sure, we start with Love and our goal is always Love. We can have everything.

We get married for love, we have babies for love, we start a business to share our love, or to have more love to give and if we keep that focus of love, we can achieve all that we set out for.

So if you've commited Yourself to something new, whether it be exercise for more self love, the birth of a new child, the start of a business, or you're working a JOB to pay for What You Love, write down first, why you have begun this new commitment and review it daily, add to it regularly and stay focused, so when times get rough and at times they will, you will be reminded of why you started and where you are going.

AND on one more note, no one "awes" over a 3 year marriage, other than "awe newlyweds", the real Awe is captured and felt, with people who have been married 40 plus years and have endured it all together.

This can also be paralleled with all/ any goals.

"Stick to your goal til it sticks to you and all your dreams will come True!"

Love is Everything.

Love you guys and your feedback! Feel free to leave some experiences or comments below!


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