
Thursday, March 19, 2015

Facebook can mold your world.

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Dream boards. You've either heard of them or have one, they are wildly popular in the personal development/ personal achievement world. The basic premise behind them, is that if you can physically see and feel your goals, day in and day out, your mind, body, spirit, will find a way to make those goals a real, true reality.
Again that is, if you physically take time, each day, to examine that board every day. Now the biggest distraction, from the visualization of our goals, could quite possibly be Facebook and before you write me off, hear me out, as to why and I'll share with you a personal experience...

All my friends have kids, just about every single one. Do I want kids, YES, a Huge Resounding YES, I think about them just about daily, my life, the life I am creating, revolves around them and they are not even here yet, nor do I plan to conceive within this year. 

However, have you heard that phrase, we are the sum of our 5 closest friends. Well when you work as much as I do and move as much as I do, it has been challenging to create the sturdy base of friends.  So I find myself on Facebook for social interaction, I also did promote my YouTube Videos and blogs, there for over a year but I have recently deleted Facebook from my phone, as it is a major distraction and mental deterrent from my goals.

If I want the life I imagine, if I want to truly make the impact, I envision. I need to keep that vision board; my written goals, my affirmations, at the forefront of my mind, at all times.
I can't be constantly distracted by what my friends or acquaintances are doing and by all these pics of their gorgeous babes because it only makes me think, "am I missing out" which I have to remind myself NO! 
"I am not a sheep to be prodded" I have a vision for my life and just because I don't live it like you, nor do you live it like me, does not mean that one, way of life, is superior to the other, they are Just Different. 
Beautifully, Irreversibly Different. 

Therefore, if you have goals in your mind. 1st - write them down. 2. Look at them daily. Multiple times a day. 3. Get the ef off Facebook..(okay I still go on and share, like once or twice a day) But when I am standing in line at a grocery store, all by myself. I am not on Facebook, I am instead in a Real Book, enlightening and empowering my mind and spirit. 

Facebook is an excellent place to stay in touch with far away friends and family, to share memories and moments with them. But just like all good things, when done, in excess it is never good for us.

Limit your use, stalk people on occasion ;) and keep your goals, affirmations, dreams and aspirations at the forefront of your mind instead. "YOU are not a sheep to be prodded" Define your own goals, create your own life. Do not allow Facebook, take the place of where your Visions for your actual reality should be.

:) Love you guys mucho. Conneting with all of you, makes my heart so full and carries my on day in and day out. Hope my mild epiphany/ rant was helpful to you. Feel free to share it.



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