
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Zucchini - Tahini Hummus

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Hey Gorgeous!

I am writing this blog, currently from my phone, in a hotel in Mesa, Arizona.

I took a last minute business trip and was not able to film before I left, as I did before my trip to Colombia, or New York or any other travels.

However, before this trip, I commited to myself that I would stay clear of High Glycemic Foods, aka, foods that cause a raise in my blood sugar levels, such as crackers, candies, certain fruit, breads, potatoes, as my body was having an adverse reaction to the high glycemic foods. My kidneys and liver were in bad shape. Despite me living a general "healthy" lifestyle.
So basically no sugar and I am 14 days strong!

So with that being said, I have had to cook even more than usual. Which I am ecstatic about! I am learning so much and experimenting so much with the Foods and spices that are low glycemic, and are basically Straight Up Medicine Food. 
I'm elated to share all as I learn.

So needless to say, even while traveling you can maintain a healthy lifestyle. It just takes a little more effort. Which all good things come with a little effort :)

I'll make an effort to film a vid, while I am here. I am in the market for a new computer, cuz mine isn't doin so well. He's an old man, and about up for retirement and I didn't bring my filming materials but an iPhone should do just fine. :) haha I'll do my best.

As my favorite personal development mentor says "It's never a lack of resources only a lack of 

Ok now for this yumminess!!

This is so simple to make and so very delicious.

-1 large Zucchini cut into chunks or two small Zucchini cut into chunks
- 1/2 cup Tahini (I have the Woodstock brand that is unsalted and Literally has one ingrediant in the jar, which is "dry roasted hulled sesame seeds"
- 2 Cloves Garlic
- 2 Tablespoons Olive Oil
- Juice from 1/2 a Lemon
- 1 tsp Cumin
- 1 tsp Salt


Toss everything in food processor / blender.
Put into a bowl and eat!
I like mine with red and orange bell peppers, celery and/or cucumbers 😋

Nutritional Value: (Serves 4)
Calories: 256.6
Carbs: 5.5
Protein: 6.6
Fiber : 4.5
Healthy Fat : 24.15 

I'm addicted to this stuff! And it's so easy to make! 

When you make this too! I wanna see!
Share with me on:

Thanks for reading! 
Xoxox Shanelle

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