Saturday, August 9, 2014

"Easy Healthy Recipes" Summer Strawberry Treat

LEVEL OF DIFFICULTY: Ridiculously simple and takes no time at all, so I am giving this one a Zero out of 5.
PRICE: $2. 6 strawberries, a half a lemon and Unsweetened coconut
TIME: 3 minutes.

Coconut has a myriad of benefits! Just to name a couple: Coconut is excellent for the digestive system, because it's high in fiber. It's low in the glycemic index and speeds up the metabolism.

Lemons are some of my most favorite things!! They are good for EVERYTHING! Interanally and Externally.  Most especially alkalizing the body.They are basically in sum, the most effective natural cleaning agent, for the insides of your body, to your skin and even kitchen counter tops. I even used them during my "DIY Shellac Manicure Video". I Love Lemons!

Strawberries are just Delicious, Period. They also help burn stored fat. They are High in fiber and low in calories. Strawberries naturally promote eye health and they are filled with biotin, so they are great for our hair, skin and nails. Just to name a few benefits! 

Here is the other recipe, I wanted to share, but didn't have time to make.
They are like 100% natural strawberry gummy candies. yummy in my tummy! and for my tongue! haha

(click pic) 

And that's that! Stay tuned for our New York Adventures! You can also catch up on some of our previous adventures at:

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